Today’s businesses should attempt to provide their support services in more than one language. This is all because customers are more loyal to businesses that speak their native tongue. One of our business’s key differentiators is that our team of virtual receptionists is all bilingual.
SoGoSurvey’s (2021), article mentions, that customers prefer dealing with native-speaking representatives and can quickly spot non-native speakers. Having the option to speak with a representative in their native tongue fluently helps customers express their concerns more clearly. The article states more businesses are allocating resources to improve the overall customer experience, which in turn increases customer lifetime value. Bilingual, or multilingual, services can be especially helpful to companies operating in countries where a variety of languages are spoken, like the United States.
Forbes (2021) clarifies that the U.S. has the second-largest population of Spanish speakers in the world. Team by the Minute Receptionists are English to Spanish bilingual with native fluency, criteria such as this became essential to our brand when hiring representatives. We strive to create meaningful connections between our representatives and your customers. There is a level of customization when offering support in different languages, the overall customer journey will be more streamlined and efficient. That is because misinterpretations are removed from the equation when representatives and customers interact, reducing time spent on each inquiry. More importantly, having bilingual and or multilingual representatives in your business helps to lessen customer churn. If your company is not catering to the requirements of its community, your business will find itself losing profit due to said foreign language speaking customers seeking business elsewhere.
Another benefit of having bilingual/multilingual support is expansion. Customers from a variety of industries are seeking to set up business relationships. Yuqo (2018) posted an article on the benefits of multilingual support, it offers some insight on strategy. As a business think carefully about the region you are located in and do some research on the language trends among your target audience, you’ll get some perspective and the ability to expand your business much further in your area. You can even go further and apply bilingual/multilingual content to your website to communicate your company’s mission and services at a faster rate to potential clients.
These benefits are but a glimpse of how fruitful it can be for your company to provide support in more than one language. Our team provides this bilingual support at no extra cost, so when you team up with us, your brand gets the benefit of bilingual support capable of assisting your customers in a more targeted way. If you have any questions on how to seamlessly connect better with your customers with the services provided by our team of receptionists, go check out our website. Get started on localizing your business support channels today!
~F. Hernandez